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In ThisIssueSeptember 2002WEBSITESDear CharlieCompany Members & Friends,Asalways I am playing around with designfeatures. If you can't read HTML e-mail,then please let me know and I will sendit in plain text. Why has the namechanged?

Because I found this reallyneat logo, and I wanted to use it. Noother reason. In this issue we have acall for help from a NSW South CoastVeteran (see ),lots of interest in our website fromother Veterans and The National Library ( )and a request for photos fromDoc Forbes for the Adopt-A-DiggerProject.The Vietnam War never seems to end.

Atmy uncle's funeral last Friday I wasapproached by an old bloke who wanted toknow what sort of Legacy Badge that wason my coat lapel. The laurel wreathand the bayonet. Chicago will you still love me.

I explained the InfantryCombat Badge to him, but the onlyresponse was that we we had becomeAmericans and that in his time it was notcalled combat (they were In Action) andthey didn't have a Tour Of Duty, they hadto stay there until it was finished. Iasked him what Unit he was with. Turnsout he was in Signals Corp and stayedback in camp listening to a radio. Iadvised him of another Americanism.' And left itat that. Years ago I would havestopped wearing the ICB, just to avoidthe conflict.

But these days, I havehad enough of justifying Vietnam. Ifyou don't like us, well just leave usalone.' YoursFaithfully'Bob 'Woody'Wood7 (The Goon) PlatoonCharlie Company3 RAR, SVN 1971. Applicationforms for joining the association can beobtained by sending an email to thePresident, Ron Perkins.Annual subs are now $22.

I know that mostof us joined in 1992, but if you are likeme and let your membership lapse. Thenit is about time we got behind theAssociation.

The Korean Vets were almostas badly done by as us. They may not havecopped the abuse. They were justforgotten. There is agood range of merchandise eg caps,shirts, jackets, ties. Info about thesecan be obtained from Ron Perkins. Ron andJune are interstate at the moment so itmay be a week or so before they get totheir emails. PatCannard is theeditor of the journal and would beinterested in receiving any stories,info, copies of newsletters etc.They can be sent via email.She would also appreciate a story on ourversion of the reunion - it can be awhole page or just a few sentences.They need more Vietnam stories in thejournal.

Would appreciate info onyour website for C Coy also. RonPerkins has the complete email list forthe Association and they put new contactsin each issue of the journal. (If no-one hasany problems I will send them our e-mailcontact list and request a copy of theirsfor the 1971 Tour. In case there areany more of our blokes out there, that wedon't have contact with.I have sentPat info on our website)5 &A Wakey.

The Vietnam Veterans Association ofAustralia is organising the abovereunion. If you would like to findout more you can phone the PresidentPeter McCann 02 6258 9924 or theSecretary Rod Tier 02 6231 6246, Emailaddress for Peter isas advised by Ron Perkins Prseident 3 RARAssociation.

There is no 3 RARRe-union organised. RENDEZVOUS- At this stage, if we meet at Olims onFriday night for drinks at 1900 hours(Mickey's Big Hand is pointing straightup and his little hand is on Minnie'sright knee), then we can sort out our ownarrangements from there. Suzie Dicks sent usa photo of GOONPLATOON's colours- Charlie Coy Green.Goon Platoon had it's first run at Waggaa few weeks back.

No luck there,although it was nice to hear the call,with Goon Platoon featuring in thefinish. Crowey & Davo, havebeen on the move from the South headingnorth.

At Dubbo Davo was having a beer(unusual) and commented to a completestranger 'You look like a bloke thatI served with in Vietnam'. Thestranger said 'That would be TrevorElemes'. Buggar me, it wasDarky's cousin. Small world isn't it. Crowey has finallycaught up with some blokes that he hasn'tseen in 30 years. In Queensland he hadluch with Crossy at Redcliffe and thenwent to Bribie Island and had lunch atthe local RSL with Davo, Webby,and Ginna.

After lunch they rangup Digby and met up withhim at the local wharf. Croweywill be down in Canberra for the Octoberweekend. A good chance for him tocatch up with other mates that he hasn'tseen for 30 years. I am still looking for Charlie CoyDiggers photos to put up on the VVnW AUWebsite at at theAdoptaDigger section. So far we have hadDavid Lean and a couple of others,however we need more photo's.Also remember the VVnW send out MilitarySupport Packages to Australian and USmilitary serving overseas so have a lookat the VVnW US website at to see the MilitarySupport Package. If you have someone inyour family or that you know someoneserving overseas in the Military, let usknow their postal details and we willsend them a package.Try and get me some photo's for thewebsite.Yours in BrotherhoodPeter Forbes(Doc).

Tony Cox has been underthe surgeons knife recently and beendoing some home refurbishing, with acomplete change of floors throughout, newfront entrance and all walls painted andwood polished. 'Can You Hear Australia'sHeroes Marching?'

, a songby Peter Barnes. You can find the lyrics,read about the song and download a mp3audio file at.I will post a link to the site and thelyrics on our site (as soon as I can). Plaque at commemorative walk,Shellharbour District, NSW. Arequest for help was received from DonTate, who served with 4th Battalion;D&E Platoon; 9th Battalion and1A.R.U. He was wounded in action on 19thJuly, 1969.

Hospitalised for more thantwo years afterwards. Remains badlydisabled. Appearing on Channel 9's'R.P.A.' Show from October 10thafter attempted hip recostruction of thedamage done by Viet Cong machine-gunfire. Unfortunately Don didn't give usthe council's e-mail address. The shortstory is that Don and fellow veteran'splanted some trees for a CommerorativeWalk, but the council won't let them puta plaque up, because they are going tohave an officialmemorial in the centre of town. Asusual officials know what is best forVietnam Veterans.

You can read aboutDon's fight ator email Don at.I will log a link into our website, whentime permits. 3 RAR Assualt PioneerPlatoon 2ND TOUR REUNION EASTER 2003- there is no email address, but if youwere in the Assault Pioneers (or knowsomeone who was), then contact either Ray Laidlaw 07 5423 0129or Barbara Jones 08 8843 9005 fordetails. One of the searches on the website lastmonth was for Snowy Wright.Dogs writes' Woody,Snowy Wright was a good mateof mine. I'm sad to say he died about 10years ago and is buried in the SeymourCemetery in Victoria.Lest We ForgetDogs '. NotThe Army NewsA satiricalweb site has been created atIt is basically is a cynical version ofthe Australian Army Newspaper.

Go andhave a laugh before the fun police shutit down.Click on Edition 1. Thereis only one edition.

'Force Teach youwill I'We interview the latest member of theCombined Arms Training Centre team aboutwhere the 800 year old freakish dwarfsees the use of 'Jedi mind tricks' in theArmy of Tomorrow. Exciting news from The National Libraryof Australia who has asked (and beengranted ) permission to copy our Websiteinto the Archive and to provide publicaccess to it via the Web. The NationalLibrary of Australia aims to build acomprehensive collection of Australianpublications to ensure that Australianshave access to their documentary heritagenow and in the future. The Libraryhas traditionally collected items inprint, but it is also committed topreserving electronic publications oflasting cultural value. The PANDORA (Preserving and AccessingNetworked Documentary Resources ofAustralia) Archive was set up by theLibrary in 1996 to enable the archivingand provision of long-term access toonline Australianpublications.

Since then wehave been identifying online publicationsand archiving those that we consider havenational significance. The Library will take the necessarypreservation action to keep yourpublication accessible as hardware andsoftware changes over time. TheLibrary will catalogue your publicationand add the record to the NationalBibliographic Database (a database ofcatalogue records shared by over 1,100Australian libraries, as well as to ourown online catalogue. Access to the PANDORA Archive is providedvia the Library's online public accesscatalogue.In addition to access via the catalogue,titles are also accessible from subjectand title lists that are maintained onthe PANDORA Home Page. I will put these links on our own website. When time permits.CONTACTS. Ray Payne, President andWebmaster for Charlie Company 1RARAssociation, has put a link for our siteon the 1 RAR site.


Their site caters forall former members of C COY 1RAR up toand including current serving members.Ray is also National President of the1RAR Association. Their website is and I will get areciprocal link as time permits. Gary Dawson, 6 Platoon, Bravo Coy, 3RAR, SVN 1971, checked in with ' Great to hearfrom a fellow '71 tour member after allthis time. Had a squiz at your site-youblokes have really put an effort intoit-good stuff. As far as I know I'm theonly 6 Platoon bloke in W.A.

But I have been to acouple of B Coy reunions in the EasternStates. I'll put your site on myfavourites.

'. Bob Freshfield is the webmasterfor the Vietnam Veterans Federation. He writes ' I checked outyour site and found it a worthwhile placeto browse.

I was a 'Nasho' doingtime at 1ARU during 1971. I got sent to,but not posted, 3RAR during 'BriarPatch', 'Overlord','Iron Fox', then to 4RAR (notposted) for 'Hermit Park','North Ward' and'Ivanhoe'. Shifted around among3RAR BCoy and 4RAR CCoy and the Kiwi Coyas well. A lot of forward scout work too!- I will put a linkon our site, as soon as time permits. Mike (Dicko) Dicksonsigned The Company Guest Book with ' Great work.veryprofessional. I was with 6 Platoon but Ican remember plenty of the faces of theGoons in the photos.

6 Platoon ishaving a reunion April 25th 2003 atQueenbeyan. Any of you guys in the areaor passing by are welcome.' .Dicko has a photo site at. Worthwhile checking out, when you gettime. I will put a link on our site.when I get time. Eddie Thompson from Brussels, Belgium signed The CompanyGuest Book with ' An excellent site andmany thanks for it.Lest We Forget'.

Leon 'Junior' Harrisonwho has a website atsigned The Company Guest Book with ' I'd just got a email fromPeter Haran, and a few from 'Dogs' beforethat regarding 'Crossfire'. Came in offtheir book site and thought I should comeand check out these jokers in the GoonPlatoon. Got to get out and track down acopy of 'Trackers' asap.Keep yah powder dry and all the best eh.Leon 'Junior' Harrisonthe Kiwi Scribbler'Onward'Another link to add.

As soon astime permits.SEARCHES. Dogs - people love theold Sarge.

Victor Charlie - yepremember those guys. Zipper - have no ideawhat that search was about - I alwayskept mine done up. Bob Kovach. Holzum.

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Alpha. Knight. A nice e-mail from Ron WilliamsIt has to be one of the verybest I have visited with regards toAustralian soldiers in Vietnam. The photoalbum section is easily the best ofany site, (Australian or US), that Ihave seen and it really gives a realinsight into the day to day life of thesoldiers.I would recommend it to anyonewho wants to find out what the 'aussie'Vietnam experience was like.Ron also corrected one of my errors - wesailed from Outer Harbour- not Victor Harbour, that's where weused to get wet on the inside.

TonyCox is coming down to Canberrafor the Re-Dedication and has sent areminder about Photos.' Pleaseremind all to bring their slides andphotographs so that I can do somescanning. Things have been veryslow lately in that department.' . Bob 'Bomber' Lewis advisedthat ' I'mcurrently working a a CD for youcontaining all the photos I've gothere. Should be with you soon but,it's fairly timer consuming so don't holdyour breath.

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I haven'tstopped though!' Regardless of youropinions of the morality of The Viet Nam War or therights and wrongs of it, we went there to do a job.and at times we may have done it in our own way. We did our jobbyBob Wood, Tony Cox, Bob Lewis & members of C Coy© 1999 -Disclaimer:Thissite has no official links with the Army, Department ofDefence, The Royal Australian Regiment or 3 RAR. The siteis purely a personal page of recollections & photosof our great adventure and the blokes that shared thatadventure.

Any errors or omissions are accidental andregretted. Please email the Author and they will becorrected.