Skype 3.6

Also, the touchtone pad is still not accessible!Sent from my Verizon iPhone!On Dec 15, 2011, at 6:26 AM, Kevin Chao wrote: Do.NOT. update to Skype 3.6. There's a significant VoiceOver accessibility regression, where conversation history content area is completely inaccessible on iPhone and iPad. I wasn't added to beta until several days ago (after app was submitted to iOS app store). I did file a couple of dozen bug reports against VoiceOver accessibility, but it wasn't in time for this release. Sent from my iPhone - You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 'VIPhone' group. To post to this group, send email to.

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to. For more options, visit this group at.Daniel Miller15.12.11 4:54. Hi,I'm going to be extremely blunt here. I knew when Microsoft purchased Skypethat there would be significant VoiceOver regression. I just get this vibethat Microsoft doesn't care about accessibility, even though they claimthere goal is to make all products they make accessible to all persons,which yes, includes apps for iOS.


As far as I can tell, using the variousversions of Skype they've made, it's gotten significantly worse. I almostwish Apple would've ponied up and bought Skype, that way people would havean accessible alternative to FaceTime, which is still an awesome solution ifpeople have devices it runs on.Sorry for my long rant!-Original Message-From: mailto: On BehalfAnthony Vece15.12.11 5:06. Ricardo.I am not sure if a month is a pretty short time. I have seemed apps thatwhen the users report bugs, or another problems, they fix the issue inhours, not weekes or months.

Navigon is not making a favor for us. We payedto them, and we gave our money to them, so they should to provide theservice like before, or better, but not worse. They should test theirproducts before release it. If they don't, they are expending a lot of moneyfixing problems that they could avoid, and of course, we are expendingmoney, because we have to buy another apps, for fill out the hole thatnavigon left, for example GPS motion, we are missing time, and many thingsrelated with our independence. We payed with good money, not with money thatwas false. They should be more careful with this matter.

A month, a week, or a yearis not a short or a long time, it is something that they can prevent, justchecking their own work. But for sure thay are noticing that the money thatthey are paying to programers, analizers, just for fix some problems, willbe more than the money that they were trying to make with the last update.Ricardo Walker15.12.11 9:57. FYI: Skype does have blind VoiceOver beta testers, I was officiallyadded as one of them a few days ago, I am plugged into system, betas,etc.No, I cannot and will not comment on future betas, things that may befixed, broken, etc. However, please post any/all issues you'veexperienced, would like to see fixed, or think would be great to havewithin this specific thread, and I will do what I can to ensure thatthe product managers, engineers, etc. Nkow about them.KevinAnthony Vece15.12.11 13:35.

Daniel,I would have to look up the exact date adn release dates of Skype, butI believe the current issue with the Dialpad not being accessiblehappened before Microsoft took control. Yes, the news that they boughtSkype has been out for a long time, but the deal was not officialuntil only a month or 2 ago. I am not necessarily defending them, butwhy doesn't everybody on this list take the time to send them feedbackrequesting that VoiceOver accessibility is improved and then see whatthe next update will bring.

This is like voting, I know many peoplecomplain about what politicians do and if you ask you find out thatmost of them don't vote. To them I can only say that they don't haveany right to complain if they don't do their part to improve theprocess. The same goes here, if you have not repeatedly written toSkype with constructive feedback instead of just expressing negativitybecause it's not as good as it should be, then do it. I am not saying,Daniel, that you are one of those people who complain yet have notprovided feedback, I am only saying that maybe they would reallylisten up if suddenly they received 800 messages from blind IOS users.By the way, I upgraded even though the release notes did notspecifically mention VoiceOver improvements. I must say I hadn'tnoticed this about the conversation history since I am typically justgoing in to make a Skype call to somebody on my contact list whoeither is on Skype or whom I call on their phone number. I did noticethat VoiceOver now does not remain on the earpiece after ending acall, so I guess that is certainly an improvement and apart from whatKevin said about conversation history I did not notice any additionalproblems.Take care,SieghardAnthony Vece16.12.11 3:10.

Download Skype 3.6


Hi Sieghard;The dialpad situation goes back about three updates.I have written to the Skype developers on numerous occasions.Also, I have sent them feedback in a very positive manor.All of us need to realize that all these programs are a work in progress.Sieghard, your points are very well thought out.AnthonySent from my Verizon iPhone! - You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 'VIPhone' group. To post to this group, send email to. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to. For more options, visit this group at.Kevin Chao16.12.11 11:15. Hi all,I thought I'd try an experiment today. I erased Skype (the newest,less accessible, version) from my iPhone today, as well as from myiTunes library.

I then found the first version of Skype I everdownloaded, in early 2011, when I first started using iOS. I used theprevious versions feature in Windows 7 (the equivalent on a MAC istime machine) which lets you restore old versions of files andfolders. I successfully located the old version of the app using thisfeature; the file is named 'Skype 1.ipa.' I re-added this file toiTunes and did a sync, and voila - my Skype has been downgraded!

I nowhave full access to the dialpad and placed a test call, which seemedto work fine - I actually was unable to press the end call button todisconnect the call, but I'm hoping this is just an anomaly. For folkswho still have access to the old version of the Skype app, it might beworthwhile to downgrade and try this out.Cheers,GrantPablo Morales18.12.11 3:42. GrantI am a new user of skype, and for sure I haven't the same version that yougot. Hi Joe,I am not aware that you can automatically put somebody to voice mailunless you decline the call. If you are in Skype and get a call thecaller should eventually get Voice Mail if you don't do anything. Ifyou want to pick up the call you just have to press Home to get out ofSkype, then go into the phone app and answer the call. However, if thephone rings the options to answer or decline should be in theforeground anyways, they would be just above the Home Key, Decline onthe left and Answer on the right side.As for Chats you already read from others that in the newest releaseyou can't read the chat history.

I have 2 Skype accounts and justsigned in on my PC with one and on my iPhone with the other to testthis a bit more. You can write a message on the iPhone no problem andyou hear the sound Skype makes when a message comes in. One work-around is that when you are in the Message Tab, you can read whichevermessage was received last on the main message screen.

For example,assume you have me in your Contact list and you double tap on my nameand then double tap on 'IM'. Now you are in the message/chat area andthere is an edit field where you can write a message to me. After yousend it you can press the 'Back button at the top left of the screenand that takes you into the listing of all your recent chats.VoiceOver will read that list and if I send a reply you would be ableto read it hear, in fact, when I tried this VoiceOver read itautomatically.

Skype 3.6

Then you would have to double tap again on theconversation to get back to the edit box where you can write a reply,back out again and wait for my reply.This is of course a work-around at best and not a good one because ifsomebody sends a message and then another one shortly after you mayalready have gone back into the conversation to reply and you wouldn'tget that second message. I guess ina real pinch it is better thannothing, but until the Skype developers do something aboutaccessibility it is definitely a better option to use IM Plus whichwas suggested by somebody else. I hope you take the time to write toSkype and let them know about the problems, Skype is an important appfor many VoiceOver users and the more Skype hears from the visuallyimpaired community the more it is likely they take accessibility moreserious.Take care,Sieghard.