Descargar Hearthstone Pirata

Pirate Warrior StrategyThe aim of Pirate Warrior is to be able to kill your opponent as quicklyas possible. You should aim to navigate the early turns in such a way to buildthe strongest board in the least amount of time. This stage of the game is thegenerally the only point you should consider trading your non-Rush minions andeven then, it should only be done if you are protecting a more important minions ormaking a value trade. In the mid game you should look to equip and startattacking with as soon as possible.

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This will provide youwith enough minions to keep up pressure and can be re-equipped usingonce its destroyed. The constant flow of Pirates and otherCharge/Rush minions should allow you to quickly close out the game.Against Aggro, you should take a little bit more consideration whenit comes to trading. You should focus on removing the most threatening minionson the board, especially those that can snowball likeor, while still dealing as much damage to youropponent's face as possible.Against Control, you should expect games to last slightly longer andplan accordingly.

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If possible, you should avoid playing any weapon otherthan until the late game. This will ensure that yourwill bring back your very important card-draw weapon and ensure you have theminions to close out the game.


Pirate Warrior Card Swaps. Against Aggro — Add 2x for 2x. Against Control — Add 1x for 1x.Changelog.

Pirate HunterPirate hunter isn't really a true thing in till now. I created it because hunter is became a unfavored deck with the new expansion. With pirates being a thing and hunters having weapons why not make it happen.

Strategy:Face is the place with this deck, pirates from now on will always be face sadly. There are obvious trades you should make either with your weapon, but mostly face because you want to have them dead before they can make a come back. Card Choices:- Works so well with face decks great combo with- Its a free 1/1- Most weapons gets destroyed and he's a pirate- Creates so much damage either for board clears or face damage- Finishes off the game if not done by turn 5The rest of the cards explain themselves they're either pirates or face damage Mulligan Guide:Do not keep any secrets or PatchesKeep all below:Keep If you have nothing else good or a great hand:Any Questions or comments add me on battle net Heroz#1164. Nice deck!I made some changes for my taste:-+ 2+ 1is too slow imo, Cat trick is very useful because you often have one of your secrets already played and another in hand, or another Scientist in hand, so you just waste value. So having another secret helps making sure you get most value out of your scientists or don't have a dead card in your hand. Is an aggresive card and can be used to activate. I think you really need, as a removal or as a finisher, even if it doesn't deal the full damage.