Arduino Fuzzy Logic Controller Pdf

Fuzzy logic controller pdf

I have a simulink model that contains fuzzy logic controller and some other blocks. I want to implement this controller on Arduino. The controller output will be obtained by comparing the readings with the target value every 10 minutes. First, the question that comes to mind is how do I set the sampling period to 10 minutes? After that, how can I bury this model to the Arduino?

Fuzzy Logic Temperature Controller


I have implemented simple projects on arduino with Simulink (ledblink, motor control, etc.), but I have no idea how I can run such a controller on Arduino. I am very pleased if someone can help in this regard at least in the sense of an idea.

It becomes essential to run AGV at a constant speed or RPM in the plant to reduce downtime and lead time. Fuzzy logic controller and PID controller are applied to achieve constant RPM in AGV. AGV contains DC brushed motor with encoder, motor driver, microcontroller and battery. Encoder gives feedback to microcontroller in the form of shaft position. Microcontroller reduces error in the system based on the parameters defined by the algorithms.

The first phase of the paper gives brief information about the hardware, software and the algorithms. In the second phase of the paper, methodology for implementing the algorithm to the system is shown. In the final phase of the paper, results and discussions are mentioned based on the applied algorithms. Comparison between PID controller and fuzzy PID controller is also shown. Ziegler-Nichols Algorithms is used to find PID parameters.

Arduino Fuzzy Logic Controller Pdf Download

MATLAB simulink and fuzzy logic tool box are used for simulation. Arduino Microcontroller is used to accept the feedback given by the encoder and to control the speed of motor.

Arduino fuzzy logic controller pdf free

Fuzzy Logic Examples

In a nut shell, these control strategies help AGV to run at a constant RPM with reduced settling time, steady state error and overshooting. Previous article in issue. Next article in issue.