National Malaria Control Program India Ppt

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Doh Malaria Control Program

Ppt on malaria surveillanceNational Malaria Control Program India Ppt

Mandate of the PROGRAMThe Program is charged with providing quality assured services for Malaria prevention and treatment to all people in Uganda. The program guides Malaria control efforts as outlined in the Malaria Reduction Strategic Plan 2014 - 2020 (UMRSP).The Uganda Malaria Reduction Strategic Plan (UMRSP) provides a common framework for all stakeholders to accelerate nationwide scale up of evidencedā€led malaria reduction interventions by the government, development partners, the private sector and all stakeholders. It stipulates the priority interventions, the strategic re-orientations and the investments required for achieving the goals and targets.The overall goal of the plan is to reduce mortality due to malaria by 80% of the 2010 levels and reduce morbidity due to malaria by 75% of the 2010 levels, thereby setting the ground for pre-elimination subsequently.