Basic Programming Software
End subFreeBASIC is a self-hosting compiler which makes use of the GNU binutils programming tools asbackends and can produce console, graphical/GUI executables, dynamic and static libraries.FreeBASIC fully supports the use of C libraries and has partial C library support. This letsprogrammers use and create libraries for C and many other languages. It supports a C stylepreprocessor, capable of multiline macros, conditional compiling and file inclusion.FreeBASIC has been rated close in speed with mainstream tools, such as GCC. More about FreeBASICThe FreeBASIC project is a set of cross-platform development tools, consisting of a compiler,GNU-based assembler, linker and archiver, and supporting runtime libraries, including a software-basedgraphics library. The compiler, fbc, currently supports building for i386-based architectures on the DOS,Linux, Windows and Xbox platforms. The project also contains thin bindings (header files) to some popular3rd party libraries such as the C runtime library, Allegro, SDL, OpenGL, GTK+, the Windows API and manyothers, as well as example programs for many of these libraries.FreeBASIC is a high-level programming language supporting procedural, object-orientated andmeta-programming paradigms, with a syntax compatible to Microsoft QuickBASIC. In fact, theFreeBASIC project originally began as an attempt to create a code-compatible, free alternativeto Microsoft QuickBASIC, but it has since grown into a powerful development tool. FreeBASICcan be seen to extend the capabilities of Microsoft QuickBASIC in a number of ways, supportingmore data types, language constructs, programming styles, and modern platforms and APIs.Any type of program can be written with FreeBASIC, see ourfor some notable examples.
. at WikibooksBASIC ( Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) is a family of, whose design philosophy emphasizes ease of use. In 1964, and designed the original BASIC language at. They wanted to enable students in fields other than science and mathematics to use computers.
At the time, nearly all use of computers required writing custom software, which was something only and tended to learn.In addition to the language itself, Kemeny and Kurtz developed the (DTSS), which allowed multiple users to edit and run BASIC programs at the same time. This general model became very popular on systems like the and in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Produced an entire computer line for this method of operation, introducing the series in the late 1960s and continuing sales into the 1980s. Many early video games trace their history to one of these versions of BASIC.The emergence of early in the mid-1970s led to the development of the original in 1975. Due to the tiny available on these machines, often 4 kB, a variety of dialects was also created. BASIC was available for almost any system of the era, and naturally became the de facto programming language for the systems that emerged in the late 1970s.
These machines almost always had a BASIC installed by default, often in the machine's or sometimes on a cartridge.BASIC fell from use during the later 1980s as newer machines with far greater capabilities came to market and other programming languages (such as and ) became tenable. In 1991, released, combining a greatly updated version of BASIC with a.
This reignited use of the language and 'VB' remains a major programming language in the form of. Contents.Origin was the math department chairman at Dartmouth College, and largely on his reputation as an innovator in math teaching, in 1959 the school won an award for $500,000 to build a new department building. Had joined the department in 1956, and from the 1960s they agreed on the need for programming literacy among students outside the traditional STEM fields.
Kemeny later noted that “Our vision was that every student on campus should have access to a computer, and any faculty member should be able to use a computer in the classroom whenever appropriate. It was as simple as that.' Kemeny and Kurtz had made two previous experiments with simplified languages, (Dartmouth Simplified Code) and DOPE (Dartmouth Oversimplified Programming Experiment).
These did not progress past a single freshman class. New experiments using Fortran and ALGOL followed, but Kurtz concluded these languages were too tricky for what they desired. As Kurtz noted, Fortran had numerous oddly-formed commands, notably an 'almost impossible-to-memorize convention for specifying a loop: 'DO 100, I = 1, 10, 2'. Is it '1, 10, 2' or '1, 2, 10', and is the comma after the line number required or not?'
Moreover, the lack of any sort of immediate feedback was a key problem; the machines of the era used and took long times to complete a run of a program. Kurtz suggested that offered a solution; a single machine could divide up its processing time among many users, giving them the illusion of having a slow computer to themselves.
Small programs would return results in a few seconds. This led to increasing interest in a system using time-sharing and a new language specifically for use by non-STEM students.Kemeny wrote the first version of BASIC. The BASIC comes from the name of an unpublished paper by Thomas Kurtz. The new language was heavily patterned on FORTRAN II; statements were one-to-a-line, numbers were used to indicate the target of loops and branches, and many of the commands were similar or identical. However, the was changed wherever it could be improved. For instance, the difficult to remember DO loop was replaced by the much easier to remember FOR I = 1 TO 10 STEP 2, and the line number used in the DO was instead indicated by the NEXT I.
Likewise, the cryptic IF statement of Fortran, whose syntax matched a particular instruction of the machine on which it was originally written, became the simpler IF I=5 THEN GOTO 100. These changes made the language much less idiosyncratic while still having an overall structure and feel similar to the original FORTRAN.The project received a $300,000 grant from the, which was used to purchase a computer for processing, and a Datanet-30 realtime processor to handle the used for input and output. A team of a dozen undergraduates worked on the project for about a year, writing both the DTSS system and the BASIC compiler. The main CPU was later replaced by a GE-235, and still later by a GE-635The first version BASIC language was released on 1 May 1964.One of the graduate students on the implementation team was, one of the first people in the United States to earn a Ph.D.
In computer science and the first woman to do so.Initially, BASIC concentrated on supporting straightforward mathematical work, with arithmetic support from its initial implementation as a batch language, and functionality being added by 1965.Wanting use of the language to become widespread, its designers made the compiler available free of charge. (In the 1960s, software became a chargeable commodity; until then, it was provided without charge as a service with the very expensive computers, usually available only to lease.) They also made it available to high schools in the area and put considerable effort into promoting the language.
In the following years, as other dialects of BASIC appeared, Kemeny and Kurtz's original BASIC dialect became known as.New Hampshire recognized the accomplishment in 2019 when it erected a highway historical marker recognizing the creation of BASIC. Spread on minicomputers. 'Train Basic every day!'
—reads a poster (bottom center) in a Russian school (c. 1985–1986).Knowledge of the relatively simple BASIC became widespread for a computer language, and it was implemented by a number of manufacturers, becoming fairly popular on newer, such as the series, where was an extended dialect for use on the time-sharing operating system. The BASIC language was available for the, and also central to the system in the late 1960s and early 1970s, where the language was implemented as an. A version was a core part of the from 1973 onward, where a compiler renders it into, able to be interpreted by a virtual machine.During this period a number of simple were written in BASIC, most notably Mike Mayfield's. A number of these were collected by DEC employee and published in a newsletter he compiled. He later collected a number of these into book form, 101 BASIC Computer Games, published in 1973. During the same period, Ahl was involved in the creation of a small computer for education use, an early.
When management refused to support the concept, Ahl left DEC in 1974 to found the seminal computer magazine,. The book remained popular, and was re-published on several occasions. Explosive growth: the home computer era. Version 3.0The introduction of the first in the mid-1970s was the start of explosive growth for BASIC. It had the advantage that it was fairly well known to the young designers and computer hobbyists who took an interest in microcomputers. Despite 's famous judgement in 1975, 'It is practically impossible to teach good programming to students that have had a prior exposure to BASIC: as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration', BASIC was one of the few languages that was both high-level enough to be usable by those without training and small enough to fit into the microcomputers of the day, making it the de facto standard programming language on early microcomputers.One of the first BASICs to appear was, a simple BASIC variant designed by at the urging of of the.
He had seen BASIC on and felt it would be the perfect match for new machines like the. How to design and implement a stripped-down version of an for the BASIC language was covered in articles by Allison in the first three quarterly issues of the newsletter published in 1975 and implementations with source code published in. Versions were written by and Tom Pittman. In 1975 MITS released, developed by and as the company Micro-Soft, which eventually grew into corporate giant.
The first Altair version was co-written by Gates, Allen, and.Almost universally, of the 1980s had a -resident BASIC interpreter, which the machines directly into. When the, and were all released in 1977, all three had BASIC as their primary programming language and operating environment. Upon boot, a BASIC interpreter in was presented. Included, based on Microsoft BASIC. The Apple II and TRS-80 each had two versions of BASIC, a smaller introductory version introduced with the initial releases of the machines and a more advanced version developed as interest in the platforms increased. As new companies entered the field, additional versions were added that subtly changed the BASIC family. The had its own that was modified in order to fit on an 8 kB ROM cartridge.
Was introduced in 1980 with the, and was later extended for the and the. The published, developed by, incorporating many extra keywords and advanced floating-point operation features.As the popularity of BASIC grew in this period, computer magazines published complete source code in BASIC for video games, utilities, and other programs. Given BASIC's straightforward nature, it was a simple matter to from the magazine and execute the program. Different magazines were published featuring programs for specific computers, though some BASIC programs were considered universal and could be used in machines running any variant of BASIC (sometimes with minor adaptations). Many books of type-in programs were also available, and in particular, Ahl published versions of the original 101 BASIC games converted into the Microsoft dialect and published it from Creative Computing as. This book, and its sequels, provided hundreds of ready-to-go programs that could be easily converted to practically any BASIC-running platform.
The book reached the stores in 1978, just as the market was starting off, and it became the first million-selling computer book. Later packages, such as would also have gaming as an introductory focus.
On the business-focused computers which soon became widespread in small business environmentswas one of the leading applications. IBM PC and compatibles. 1.10When IBM was designing the they followed the paradigm of existing home computers in wanting to have a built-in BASIC. They sourced this from Microsoft – – but Microsoft also produced several other versions of BASIC for / including (BASIC D), (BASIC A), (a BASICA-compatible version that did not need IBM's ROM) and, all typically bundled with the machine.
In addition they produced the Microsoft BASIC Compiler aimed at professional programmers. Turbo -publisher published 1.0 in 1985 (successor versions are still being marketed by the original author under the name ).
Microsoft wrote the windowed that was supplied with version 1.1 of the pre-emptive multitasking GUI Amiga computers (late 1985 / early 1986), although the product unusually did not bear any Microsoft marks.These later variations introduced many extensions, such as improved and graphics support, access to the and additional. More important were the facilities for, including additional and proper supporting. However, by the latter half of the 1980s, users were increasingly using pre-made applications written by others rather than learning programming themselves; while professional programmers now had a wide range of more advanced languages available on small computers. And later became the languages of choice for professional application development. Visual Basic In 1991 Microsoft introduced, an evolutionary development of QuickBasic.
It included constructs from that language such as block-structured control statements, parameterized subroutines, and optional, as well as constructs from other languages such as 'With' and 'For Each'. The language retained some compatibility with its predecessors, such as the Dim keyword for declarations, 'Gosub'/Return statements, and optional line numbers which could be used to locate errors. An important driver for the development of Visual Basic was as the new for, a program. Three modern Basic variants: Basic, and Post-1990 versions and dialects Many other BASIC dialects have also sprung up since 1990, including the and, inspired by QBasic, and the Visual Basic-styled,. Modern commercial incarnations include, Monkey X and (the direct successor to Dartmouth BASIC from a company controlled by Kurtz).Several web-based simple BASIC interpreters also now exist, including and Microsoft's. Many versions of BASIC are also now available for and tablets via the Apple, or store for Android. On game consoles, an application for the and called allows for programming in a slightly modified version of BASIC with DS button support.Calculators Variants of BASIC are available on graphing and otherwise made by, HP, Casio, and others.Windows command line , a version of Microsoft without the linker to make EXE files, is present in the and DOS- streams of operating systems and can be obtained for more recent releases like which do not have them.
Prior to DOS 5, the Basic interpreter was. QuickBasic is part of a series of three languages issued by Microsoft for the home and office power user and small-scale professional development; QuickC and QuickPascal are the other two.
For and 98, which do not have QBasic installed by default, they can be copied from the installation disc, which will have a set of directories for old and optional software; other missing commands like Exe2Bin and others are in these same directories.Other. 10 INPUT 'What is your name: '; U$ 20 PRINT 'Hello '; U$ 30 INPUT 'How many stars do you want: '; N 40 S$ = ' 50 FOR I = 1 TO N 60 S$ = S$ + '.' 70 NEXT I 80 PRINT S$ 90 INPUT 'Do you want more stars? '; A$ 100 IF LEN ( A$ ) = 0 THEN GOTO 90 110 A$ = LEFT$ ( A$, 1 ) 120 IF A$ = 'Y' OR A$ = 'y' THEN GOTO 30 130 PRINT 'Goodbye '; U$ 140 ENDThe resulting dialog might resemble:What is your name: MikeHello MikeHow many stars do you want: 7.Do you want more stars? YesHow many stars do you want: 3.Do you want more stars?
NoGoodbye MikeStructured BASIC Second-generation BASICs (for example, and (arguably) introduced a number of features into the language, primarily related to structured and procedure-oriented programming. Usually, is omitted from the language and replaced with (for ) and to encourage easier and more flexible design. In addition keywords and structures to support repetition, selection and procedures with local variables were introduced.The following example is in Microsoft QuickBASIC. REM QuickBASIC example REM Forward declaration - allows the main code to call a REM subroutine that is declared later in the source code DECLARE SUB PrintSomeStars ( StarCount!
) REM Main program follows INPUT 'What is your name: ', UserName$ PRINT 'Hello '; UserName$ DO INPUT 'How many stars do you want: ', NumStars CALL PrintSomeStars ( NumStars ) DO INPUT 'Do you want more stars? ', Answer$ LOOP UNTIL Answer$ ' Answer$ = LEFT$ ( Answer$, 1 ) LOOP WHILE UCASE$ ( Answer$ ) = 'Y' PRINT 'Goodbye '; UserName$ END REM subroutine declaration SUB PrintSomeStars ( StarCount ) REM This procedure uses a local variable called Stars$ Stars$ = STRING$ ( StarCount, '.' ) PRINT Stars$ END SUB Object-oriented BASIC Third-generation BASIC dialects such as, and introduced features to support object-oriented and paradigm.
Most built-in procedures and functions are now represented as methods of standard objects rather than operators. Also, the became increasingly accessible to the BASIC language.The following example is in. Kemeny, John G.; Kurtz, Thomas E.
(PDF) (1st ed.). Hanover, N.H.: Dartmouth College Computation Center.
February 23, 1959. ^. Retrieved June 13, 2017. Retrieved June 13, 2017. Alfred, Randy (January 5, 2008).
Retrieved June 13, 2017. Gurer, Denise (January 1995).
'Pioneering women in computer science'. Communications of the ACM.
38 (1): 45–54. Brooks, David (11 June 2019). Archived from on 11 June 2019. Retrieved 11 August 2019.
^ Ahl, David H. Morristown, N.J.: Creative Computing Press. Ahl, David H.
(May 11, 1981). Vol. 3 no. 9. P. 44.
Edsger, Dijkstra (June 18, 1975). (published 1982). Pp. Pittman, Tom. Retrieved June 14, 2017. Archived from on November 30, 2012.
Retrieved April 18, 2007. Ahl, David H. Morristown: Creative Computing Press. Ahl, David H.
Morris Plains, N.J.: Creative Computing Press. Retrieved June 14, 2017. Pravin, Jain (2011).
Pearson Education India. Retrieved June 14, 2017. During the 1980s, C compilers spread widely, and C became an extremely popular language. Brin, David (September 14, 2006). Archived from on September 18, 2013. Retrieved June 19, 2017. Archived from on March 17, 2014.
Retrieved June 19, 2017. April 28, 2014.
Retrieved June 14, 2017. Retrieved June 14, 2017. Retrieved June 14, 2017. FreeBasic Wiki. Retrieved August 2, 2017.
Retrieved August 2, 2017. Archived from on August 2, 2017. Retrieved August 2, 2017.
Kemeny, John G.; Kurtz, Thomas E. (January 1968). (PDF) (4th ed.). Hanover, N.H.: Dartmouth College Computation Center.
May 12, 2003. Archived from on October 19, 2013. Retrieved June 28, 2008.General references. Sammet, Jean E. Programming languages: history and fundamentals. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:.
Basic Programming Language Software Free Download
Kurtz, Thomas E. In Wexelblat, Richard (ed.). History of Programming Languages I. Pp. Kemeny, John G.; Kurtz, Thomas E.
Basic Plc Programming Software
Back To BASIC: The History, Corruption, and Future of the Language. P. 141. Lien, David A. The Basic Handbook: Encyclopedia of the BASIC Computer Language (3rd ed.). Compusoft Publishing.
April 29, 2014.External links Wikibooks has a book on the topic of:. at. The Encyclopedia of Computer Languages.